Star Trek: Generations
When I watched the Star Trek: the Next Generation cast's first feature film--Star Trek: Generations--in the movie theatre, I remember laughing loudly when I heard that Picard's nephew, Rene, burned to death in a fire. This seemed to annoy the people near me. They must have been big Rene fans. I believe the film's dialogue went like this:
Picard: Oh, Deanna...something terrible has happened.
Troi: What is it?
Picard: Rene...has...burned to death in a fire.
Troi: (starting to tear up because she always cries over everything) Why didn't he get out in time?
Picard: He burned in his sleep.
Troi: What started the fire?
Picard: A candle fell off a table and caught on Rene's bedsheets. No one realized what happened until it was too late. It looks like my brother's decision to live like it was still the 1700's really paid off.
Picard: Oh, Deanna...something terrible has happened.
Troi: What is it?
Picard: Rene...has...burned to death in a fire.
Troi: (starting to tear up because she always cries over everything) Why didn't he get out in time?
Picard: He burned in his sleep.
Troi: What started the fire?
Picard: A candle fell off a table and caught on Rene's bedsheets. No one realized what happened until it was too late. It looks like my brother's decision to live like it was still the 1700's really paid off.
Someone dying in a fire is usually not very funny, but I think you've bit into this scene rather well.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
what the heck? i am a HUGE trekkie and reading this blog i'm like...u seem to know so much about the best show ever created so why waste time trying to make it look stupid? and data was just learning to act human. and riker didn't become fat until he got older. star trek is screaming out to be parodied? more like screaming out to improve modern technology and make us to look to the future with hope. live long and prosper and what the heck is up with your blog?
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